Spotted Dick

Spotted Dick

Preparation : 15 mins ·Cooking : 60 minsServes 4



gself-raising flour
gsuet (vegan, vegetable or beef)
gcaster sugar
gdried currants or raisins
lemonZest of 1 lemon
pincha pinch of salt
mlMilk, to bind (approximately 150-200ml)
tablespoonButter or oil, for greasing

Nutritional information

Calculated based on standard values with available measurements and may therefore not be accurate

  • Energy2655 kcal
  • Protein52 g
  • Total Lipid (Fat)125 g
  • Cholesterol168 mg
  • Saturated Fatty Acids60 g
  • Monounsaturated Fatty Acids45 g
  • Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids6 g
  • Carbohydrate326 g
  • Sugars137 g
  • Fiber10 g
  • Calcium126 mg
  • Iron4 mg
  • Magnesium70 mg
  • Phosphorus344 mg
  • Potassium1225 mg
  • Sodium2590 mg
  • Zinc3 mg
  • Copper0 mg
  • Selenium32 µg
  • Vitamin A4 µg
  • Vitamin E2 mg
  • Vitamin D1 µg
  • Vitamin C11 mg
  • Vitamin B61 mg
  • Vitamin B121 µg
  • Vitamin K7 µg


  1. Prepare the Steaming Equipment: Fill a large pot with water, about one-third of the way, and bring it to a simmer. Make sure you have a suitable steamer or a heatproof bowl that can fit comfortably in the pot without touching the water.

  2. Prepare the Pudding Mixture: In a mixing bowl, combine the self-raising flour, suet, caster sugar, dried currants or raisins, lemon zest, and a pinch of salt. Mix these dry ingredients together until well combined.

  3. Add Milk: Gradually add the milk to the dry mixture, stirring continuously with a spoon or your hands until you achieve a soft and slightly sticky dough. The amount of milk needed may vary, so add it slowly to avoid making the mixture too wet.

  4. Shape the Pudding: Lightly flour a clean surface and turn the dough out onto it. Shape the dough into a log or a round, about 4-5 inches in diameter. The pudding will expand as it cooks, so keep this in mind when shaping.

  5. Steam the Pudding: Grease the inside of a pudding basin or a heatproof bowl with butter or oil. Place the shaped dough inside the basin and cover it with a piece of parchment paper or a greased piece of foil. Secure the cover with a rubber band or kitchen string. Place the basin in the steamer or heatproof bowl in the pot of simmering water, making sure the water doesn't touch the basin's bottom.

  6. Steam the Pudding: Cover the pot with a lid and let the pudding steam for about 1 hour. Check the water level periodically and top it up if necessary to prevent it from drying out.

  7. Serve: Once the pudding is steamed, carefully remove it from the pot using oven mitts or tongs. Remove the cover and invert the pudding onto a serving plate.

  8. Enjoy: Spotted Dick is traditionally served warm with custard or a drizzle of golden syrup. Cut generous slices and serve, savoring the nostalgic flavors and comforting texture.

Part of 1 meal plan

Dishes with amazing names

by FlavorFav
6 recipes

Recipe Story

In the smoky, warm embrace of a British pub, where time seems to slow down and conversations flow like ale, there lies a dessert that's as much a part of the culture as the Queen's Guard or a game of cricket on a rainy afternoon. Ladies and gentlemen, let me regale you with the tale of "Spotted Dick" – a name that might raise a quizzical eyebrow, but rest assured, it's a dish that embodies the heart and history of British comfort fare.

Picture this: a cozy nook, dimly lit by the amber glow of vintage filament bulbs, and the aroma of simmering nostalgia wafting through the air. Spotted Dick, a whimsical moniker that's equally evocative and cheeky, is a pudding born of ye olde England. A treasure trove of culinary heritage, it boasts a lineage that stretches back to the 19th century, when hearty puddings were the backbone of working-class sustenance.

But what's with the spots, you ask? Well, it's not some culinary daredevilry. Those "spots" are the soul of this dessert – currants or raisins that dot the velvety canvas of the pudding like constellations in a night sky. It's a sight to behold, and as you take your first forkful, you're transported to a time when life was simpler, flavours were bolder, and the clink of cutlery against porcelain was a universal symphony.

In an era marked by World Wars and rationing, Spotted Dick became a source of comfort amidst chaos. Its unpretentious ingredients – self-raising flour, suet, sugar, dried fruits – were a testament to resourcefulness. And in those trying times, a warm serving of this pudding provided not just sustenance, but a gentle reminder of life's sweet moments.

So, my friends, let's embrace the warm nostalgia of Spotted Dick. As you cut into its spongy embrace and savour the mingling flavours, remember that you're not just indulging in a dessert – you're immersing yourself in the very essence of British history and resilience. So, find your way to a cozy pub, let the tales of old seep into your senses, and let Spotted Dick be your time machine to a culinary era that's as alive today as it was two centuries ago.
